Posts Tagged ‘49ers’

Yes, I am disappointed.  I’ve been a San Fran fan since I was six years old, and I thought this year was the year– but alas, like a great many things, I lacked the clairvoyance to at least take a spread bet against a few of my more optimistic/vocal friends who were convinced it was going to be a blowout.

So much for making money off a loss, but I digress.

That said, I’m going to toss a few moments of hilarity out there to brighten your days–  I found these gems at various points online in the past 15 hours, and I have to share them with everyone.  No, they don’t make up for the missed opportunities, unforgivable officiating, and lack of 6th Ring…..  but…  These are awesome.

Seriously, make sure you’ve voided your bowels– drained the bladder– and have nothing in your mouth when you check these out.  The last one is just a link– but I laughed so hard, I damn near smacked my face off my kitchen counter.  True story.

Let’s start with YouTube…

Not a Taker fan?  Ok, here’s something everyone can enjoy.

We all know they were trying to pull a uniform switch and get Steve Young, Jerry Rice, Ronnie Lott, and Wild Bill Romanowski in uniform....

Blackout drunk, even.

That’s good, but this is even better…


Words escape even me.  This is so awesome.

Otherwise, you need to read this link below– brought to you by a previously unknown site to me:

NFL QB’s on Facebook.
Seriously, read the whole damn thing.
My face almost met the counter in a fit of stupid-inducing laughter.

No, San Francisco didn’t get #6…
which broke the undefeated Super Bowl streak…
and broke the No-Interception Streak…
and not to mention the little kid in me’s heart…

But hey, at least half the team isn’t retiring next year.


Great Harbaugh, who art in Candlestick, Hallowed be thy Game… My Niners Won, thy will be done, a miracle of a Cinderella Season. Fix us this day our crappy QB, as our defense stuffs those who would score against us. Lead us not into choking and deliver us from ego. AMEN.